I always feel alone and never get the respect I deserve and give to my friend

I’m so sick and tired of being bullied and the bully gets away with it but when I do something I get it big time

When I’m in school with the more popular girls in my class, I feel so distant and different from them. I feel like I’m not accepted there and I’m never good enough for them. I can’t be myself in school because I’m afraid that they won’t like me.

Is it just me, or is school becoming more about how well you regurgitate information, instead of actually learning?

That high school will end up being worse than junior high


Im scared my family is going to find out about my eating disorder

when i do one thing wrong, i feel really worthless. it dosnt matter if ive done many things right. its the worst feeling, i feel so bad about myself.

I want to start a relationship with a guy 4 years older than me and in the army. I fear people will judge me or he’ll find someone while he’s away at work he can relate to more.

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My parents are making me move across the country but me and my boyfriend are going to try to stay together I’m sure he’s the one but this is going to have me worried sick..

I feel sad I think I am transgender but I have no one to talk to or I am afraid of what people might think ??

I’m afraid I’ll never be able to tell anyone how I really feel unless it’s in some late night message on facebook.

I hate going out side, to the mall, or basically any where were there’s people, I get this weird feeling in my stomach and I start to worry when I’m around people that I don’t know, even people I do know for that matter. I think it’s anxiety because if I do go around a group of people I feel like I’m gonna be sick and start worrying.

My mom and dad fight alot. im scared they are going to get seperated. I definitely don’t want that to happen.

I’m worried that it’s taking too long to finish my degree and I’ll be too old when I graduate.

That no one will ever like me again because of stupid mistakes

That I will fail in life and make my parents disappointed…

I am just always left out, I barly talk and people call me weird, I am so stressed out about school and I have socal phobia my “friends” make fun of me and I am always left out I think I will always be that kid and will never make any friends

I worry that my boyfriend will leave me because he likes another girl who loves him