Parents Empowering Kids

Telephone and/or online program for parents of those ages 3-6 who are interested in learning positive parenting skills. Free for all Prince Edward Island Residents.

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Strongest Families Program

Telephone and/or online program for youth ages 3-17 and their families who are experiencing behaviorual or mental health problems.

Families can now self-refer by calling 1-866-470-7111

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Referral Form

I CAN Program -Adult Anxiety Program

I CAN (Conquer Anxiety and Nervousness) offers telephone and online support for young adults 18+ to learn skills to overcome their anxiety and cope with life stressors.

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Always There

The Always There app has been revamped to focus on one thing — making sure you have a positive chat experience. Connecting with a counsellor is easier than ever. And you’ll stay connected even if you need to answer a call or do something else on your device.

Kids Help Phone Tools and Games

CAMH Online Courses

CAMH is dedicated to providing online education in the areas of addictions and mental health. Online education at CAMH is designed to enhance learning opportunities for practitioners who provide services to people with addictions and mental health as well as for clients and their families. Our goal is to provide leadership in creating better understanding, prevention and care.

CAMH’s online learning environment offers content that is continually updated, industry accredited and professionally engaging. Our courses are accredited with Canadian universities, professional colleges and associations within Canada. This ensures that we promote best practices that contribute to public and patient safety, and promote effective education outcomes.


CAMH Online Courses

Mental Health 101

Turning Knowledge Into Action


Knowing that knowledge is power, our hope for these tutorials is twofold. One, that you come away with a greater understanding of the core concepts presented. And two, that they help you and those around you begin to break down barriers and dispel the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction, and help bring these issues into the daylight where they belong. We have several topics for you to explore below.  And of course, we encourage you to share these tutorials with friends, family, and colleagues!


Mental Health 101 by CAMH