811 is a 24 hour telephone service for non-emergency health information.
911 is a 24 hour telephone service for emergencies requiring immediate help.
Addiction Services provide a range of programs designed to help you through the various stages of recovery. Addiction Services is closely aligned with Mental Health Services to ensure that individuals living with an addiction and a mental health disorder receive coordinated care.
Al Anon is a group for friends and family of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a group for people to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may help themselves and others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.
Anderson House is an 18-bed emergency shelter for female identifying, non-binary individuals and trans men and women and their children from across the province who are fleeing violence. Services include emergency shelter, safety planning, advocacy, childcare services, drop-in support, follow-up support, referrals to outreach services and second stage housing, and information pertaining to resources such as lawyers, housing, stay away orders, transportation, child care and pet care. To ensure client safety, their address is not listed. Reach out to inquire about accessing services.
Bedford MacDonald House is a 10-bed men's shelter for individuals who are male identifying and are 18 years of age and older. Operated by the Salvation Army, they provide shelter, support and compassion to men experiencing homelessness. Clients can stay for up to 21 days out of 30 and are able to access group recreational activities and case managment services.
C1A 4Z3
Behavioural Support Team for Children offers behavioural support to children aged 4-12 who have moderate to severe behavioural difficulties. A team of professionals including a psychologist, social workers, and a youth worker work will children, parents/guardians and other systems including daycares, schools and group homes across PEI.
Blooming House is an 8-bed emergency shelter that provides overnight housing to woman identified individuals (ages 18 and up). In addition to providing shelter, they work to support clients with access to food and a place to prepare meals, personal hygiene products, shower and laundry facilities, and even storage of belongings for up to 72 hours. To ensure client safety, their address is not listed. Reach out to inquire about accessing services. Province Wide English Housing / Emergency Shelter
Boys and Girls Club of Summerside is a safe and supportive space offering programs in the areas of healthy living, physical activity, sport & recreation, arts and crafts, music and education to youth in the Summerside area. They also operate the CCU Youth Engagement Centre which offers programs geared at developing healthy relationships and families.
C1N 3P7
The Brain Injury Support Group is a bi-weekly support group open to anyone with any type of brain injury (TBI, stroke, car accident, etc.) where particpants can share their experiences with, and find support in those facing similar challenges.
C1A 2N9
The Canadian Mental Health Association - PEI Division, provides a wide range of services including peer support programs, suicide prevention initatives, education workshops and housing supports to Islanders across the province.
C1A 7L9
The Center Cap enfants offers a variety of child and parent focused programs and services to families who want to give themselves the means to help the development and well-being of their children. Specific services offered changes depending on the needs expressed but regularly focuses on promoting physical activity, providing a space for parents to share their experiences, and supporting new parents.
C0B 2E0
CHANCES (Caring, Helping, And Nurturing, Children Every Step) is a non-profit, charitable organization, that exists to provide a range of child development and parent support services to children from 0-11 years and their families, particularly those experiencing additional life challenges. Services include pre and post natal care, at home family check-ins, parent information sessions, and early learning, before and after school programming.
C1A 4S6
If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.
If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.
Chief Mary Bernard Memorial Shelter is a 5-bed emergency shelter for women in distress, women without housing, or for young mothers who need extra support. Shelter residents have access to employment services, parenting, and life skills programs, and services offered through the Lennox Island Health Centre. To ensure client safety, their address is not listed. Reach out to inquire about accessing services.
Community Addiction Services provide a range of programs designed to help you through the various stages of recovery.
C1N 2A9
Community Addiction Services provide a range of programs designed to help you through the various stages of recovery.
C0B 1B0
Community Mental Health Services provides a wide range of mental health program and services for all islanders from children to seniors. They also host community Mental Health Walk-In (and Call-In) Clinics. For more information on programs and services provided, please visit out website at https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/community-mental-health-services
For information on the walk-in/call in clinics visit: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/mental-health-walk-in-clinics
C1N 2A9
Community Mental Health Services provides a wide range of mental health program and services for all islanders from children to seniors. They also host community Mental Health Walk-In (and Call-In) Clinics. For more information on programs and services provided, please visit out website at https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/community-mental-health-services
For information on the walk-in/call in clinics visit: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/mental-health-walk-in-clinics
C0B 1B0
Community Mental Health Services provides a wide range of mental health program and services for all islanders from children to seniors. They also host community Mental Health Walk-In (and Call-In) Clinics. For more information on programs and services provided, please visit out website at https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/community-mental-health-services
For information on the walk-in/call in clinics visit: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/mental-health-walk-in-clinics
C0B 1V0
Coping Power Program For Parents is a 15-Week preventative intervention program delivered to parents of children in late elementary to middle school. The program uses skills-based training to improve self-regulation, social competance and positive parental involvement.
The Coping Power Program for Kids is a 15-week program for children aged 9-12 to provide them with skills for problem solving, setting goals, managing emotions, socializing, as well as organizational and study skills. Kids attend group at the same time the parent/guardian is attending the Coping Power Program for Parents.
The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with pronlems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.
The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with pronlems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.
Offered in both group and individual sessions, CRAFT is an evidence-based program for teaching families, parents, and concerned significant others to support getting their loved ones into treatment. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Offered in both group and individual sessions, CRAFT is an evidence-based program for teaching families, parents, and concerned significant others to support getting their loved ones into treatment. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Shelter for male identifying individuals over the age of 19 dependent on substances located at Smith Lodge. To access emergency or temporary shelter at Smith Lodge, or any other temporary shelter location, contact the temporary shelter referral line at 1-833-220-4722 or dial 2-1-1.
Dialectical behavior therapy is designed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is a modified form of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that uses traditional cognitive-behavioral techniques, but also implements other skills like: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. There is an additional fifth set of skills called Walking the Middle Path, which can be used with adolescent clients. Clients will participate in weekly DBT Skills Groups. A skills group facilitator will teach strategies related to mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness (and possibly Walking the Middle Path skills for adolescents) to help clients manage emotions, problem solve and cope with challenges more effectively.
Dinosaur Treatment School Program (Incredible Years) is a 15-week program for children aged 4-8. It is designed to treat challenging, disruptive and aggressive behavior. “Dino School” teaches children positive ways to communicate, solve problems, regulate emotions, build self-esteem and develop social skills. This program is for children with disruptive behaviours as the primary concern. This group is offered at the same time their parent/guardian is in the Incredible Years Parenting Program.
Emotions Anonymous is a 12-step self-help group for people with emotional problems. Open to anyone who would like to become emotionally healthy and live at peace with or without solved problems.
C1N 1N4
Emotions Anonymous is a 12-step self-help group for people with emotional problems. Open to anyone who would like to become emotionally healthy and live at peace with or without solved problems.
C0B 2E0
The Famiy Aftercare Group is available to those who have completed the Family Education Program and is offered bi-weekly. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
The Famiy Aftercare Group is available to those who have completed the Family Education Program and is offered bi-weekly. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Family Education Program is an eight (8) week program for adults who have a family member or friend with an addiction. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Family Education Program is an eight (8) week program for adults who have a family member or friend with an addiction. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Family Place is a not-for-profit community based organization offering a comprehensive range of programs and services for families with children from conception to age twelve. We offer weekly play groups, Reggio Inspired preschool program (#L4466), parenting workshops and sessions, prenatal and postnatal programs, breastfeeding support, breast pump loan, resource library, a clothing exchange, newborn literacy bags (Books for Babies), and so much more!
C1N 3L2 Prince
Family Service PEI is a not-for-profit charitable organization, committed to offering services to all Islanders regardless of their ability to pay. They offer therapeutic counselling to individuals, couples, families and groups, credit counselling services, and workplace wellness training.
C1N 1A8
Family Violence Prevention Services offers a wide variety of support to indivudals identifying as a woman, who has or is experiencing domestic violence, including; confidential support services, peer support groups, and second stage housing options. To ensure client safety, their address is not listed. Reach out to inquire about accessing services. Province Wide English Housing / Emergency Shelter, Peer Support, Sexual Health / Abuse
The Farmer Assistance Program is a service that provides confidential, professional counselling services to farmers, farm employees and their families. The program recognizes that some problems can affect home life and work performance. When this happens, help may be required in resolving these problems through the assistance of a trained professional counsellor. These counselors are trained to provide short term counselling or refer you to other professional services and resources in the community.
C1N 1C1
Friends Supporting Friends offers bi-weekly group support and education to seniors who are impacted by a family members’ addiction. Contact your local Community Addictions Services office for more information.
Gamblers Anonymous is a group for people to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may help themselves and others to recover from a gambling problem. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.
C1N 3E4
Generation XX offers a variety of programming that aims to promote youth leadership and empowerment while providing a safe and supervised place to socialize and learn new skills.
C1N 1S5
The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate help to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to offer counselling and crisis intervention. Call the toll-free Help Line or connect to the online chat.
Housing assistance provides low income Islanders with appropriate housing at a reduced cost. For qualified applicants, this might be renting a social housing unit or receiving a rent supplement that reduces the cost for rental market housing. The program is needs-based with priority given to those assessed to be in the greatest need.
Incredible Years Parenting Program is a 15-week training program for parents that aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children and increase social emotional learning and self-control skills. During the program, parents will learn to promote positive behaviours in their children, manage their child’s disruptive behaviours, strengthen parent-child interactions and attachment and learn coping skills for parents. This group is offered at the same time their child attends the Dinosaur Treatment School Program. Parents will learn what their children are working on, and therefore help them practice at home.
Jeunesse Acadienne et Francophone de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard (JAFLIPE) is a provincial organization managed BY and FOR young Acadian, French-speaking and French-speaking people of PEI. They provide a safe and supportive space for youth to build leadership skills and learn more about the acadian and francophone culture.
C1N 6M9
The John Howard Society of PEI provides supports to gain appropirate housing for Islanders involved with the criminal justice system through an individualized planning process aimed at helping individuals and/or families create strategies to meet their housing needs, and address the employment and/or pre-employment needs of the individuals.
C1A 4B4
Kids Help Phone is Canada's only 24/7 online and over the phone support service offering professional counselling, information and referrals for young people.
Kids West Inc is a family resource centre that focuses on children 0-12 years of age and their moms, dads, and caregivers. They offer programs that provide support, resources, information and training to parents and their children. These resources are made available to residents of West Prince. While we are based our of Alberton, we offer outreach services to Tignish, O’Leary, & Tyne Valley.
C0B 1B0 Prince
Lacey House provides a 24 hour supervised, therapeutic, safe, structured home-like environment to assist women in maintaining a chemical-free lifestyle.
The Mental Health Check-In group is a support group for individuals living with a mental health concern or a mental illness.
C0A 1R0 Kings
The Mi’kmaq Family Resource Centre offers a variety of services including, drop-in play sessions, health and nutrition programs, and pre and post natal supports, among others, that promote the health and well being of Aboriginal young children and their parents, guardians, care givers in Prince Edward Island.
C1A 5P8
Moms in Mind Maternal Mental Health Group is a peer support group for mothers and women. Find them on Facebook at Moms in Mind Maternal Mental Health Peer Support Group for information on meeting dates and times.
C1A 4R5
Narcotics Anonymous is a group for people to share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so they may help themselves and others to recover from narcotic misuse or abuse. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using drugs.
An online PDF containing all information pertaining to self-help and additional community services for pregnant women and new parents. This PDF contains online self-help resources as well as various community resources with their contact information, websites with different tools and videos.
You can speak with a mental health or addictions counsellor for up to 60 minutes. No appointment or referral is required. Simply drop in during the hours online. There may be a small wait when you arrive, but you will be connected with a counsellor as soon as possible.
More information, including locations and hours, can be found here: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-pei/mental-health-and-addictions-open-access-counselling
Open Door Outreach is a non-government charity working primarily with women who are incarcerated and in recovery from addiction providing personal mentoring, and several programs on topics such as boundaries, relationships, and personal values. Any woman struggling with addiction in the community or in need of support post-release from incarceration may call for an appointment without a referral. Services are free.
C1A 6X9
The Opioid Replacement Therapy Program provides access to methadone and suboxone to those suffering from opioid addiction.
Mount Herbert
C1A 7N8
Overcomers Outreach is a christ-centered 12-step recovery program available to hurting people in churches of all denominations. Support groups are sharing groups, facilitated by lay persons who have been walking their own 12-step recovery journey for at least a year.
C1E 1E8 Queens
PEERS Alliance offers peer support programming for 2SLGBTQ+ Adults, free sexual health supplies and resources, and free safer use resources in their mission to reduce stigma and promote harm reduction strategies.
C1A 9E3
The PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada provides a variety of supports including short-term settlement services, and long-term inclusion and community integration programs for new immigrants in the province of Prince Edward Island.
C1A 1A3
Call the PEI Gambling Support Line to speak with a trained professional who can provide you with a variety of supportive services such as information about in-person counselling through Addiction Services, Gamblers Anonymous meetings, SMART Recovery meetings, and other resources. Province Wide English, French Help / Information Lines, Substance Use / Addiction
The PEI Queer Youth Collective is a project of PEERS Alliance, offering the only community based youth peer support group specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth (ages 12-18) and their allies in various locations across the province. They provide an opportunity for youth to socialize and learn through structured activities and discussions.
C1N 1S6
The PEI Queer Youth Collective is a project of PEERS Alliance, offering the only community based youth peer support group specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth (ages 12-18) and their allies in various locations across the province. They provide an opportunity for youth to socialize and learn through structured activities and discussions.
C0B 2B0
The PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre services adult (women and men) and youth (over age 12) survivors of recent or historic sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse through across individual therapy, support and information, and a group program for male survivors.
The PEI Transgender Network is a supportive network of people who are allies to the PEI transgender community that shares resources, information, and provides peer support through both online platforms and in-person meetings.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is a helpful, practical and easy-to-use approach for parents with a focus on positive parenting techniques. The program empowers all parents with skills and knowledge to effectively address day-to-day minor parenting challenges or more serious behavioural issues. Discussion groups cover topics such as dealing with disobedience; manage fighting and aggression; hassle-free shopping and developing good bedtime routines. Triple P programming may be offered individually or in groups.
The Provincial Addictions Treatment Facility provides safe, supportive and medically supervised withdrawal management from alcohol and drugs, addiction education, and encouragement to further treatment.
Mount Herbert
C1A 7N8
Public Health Nurses provide a variety of services to support maternal, child and family health; communicable disease; school health; and health promotion. Beyond physical health care they can also provide support for planning a pregnancy; pregnancy and post partum mood disorders; breastfreeding drop-in clinics; family life education and much more. There are also additional programs for new parents of infants from birth to 8 weeks of age, pre-school age children, and more. Contact your local Public Health office for more information.
C0B 1B0
The Reach Foundation is a safe, stigma free environment for youth who are transitioning from mental health and addiction treatment to recovery and reintegration into the community. Reach provides a safe, caring and supportive learning environment for youth and assists them to develop confidence and employability and essential life skills to help them adapt as they transition to the workforce or back to school.
C1B 2G1
S-Anon Reflections of Hope is a group for anyone affected by another person’s sexual behaviour to share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
The Salvation Army Food Bank assists men, women and children in accessing food through their donated pantry.
C1N 5Y2
299 Pope Road
C1N 3N6
The Salvation Army Soup Kitchen provides free lunches to those in need Monday to Friday.
C1N 5Y2
Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams are multi-disciplinary teams that provide specialized services to seniors experiencing complex mental health problems, as well as support to their families and/or caregivers. Teams are located Island-wide and include psychiatry, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and social workers. However, teams may vary across sites. Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams provide office-based services, as well as community outreach to clients living at home and in community care housing. Contact your local Community Mental Health office for more information.
Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams are multi-disciplinary teams that provide specialized services to seniors experiencing complex mental health problems, as well as support to their families and/or caregivers. Teams are located Island-wide and include psychiatry, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and social workers. However, teams may vary across sites. Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams provide office-based services, as well as community outreach to clients living at home and in community care housing. Contact your local Community Mental Health office for more information.
Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams are multi-disciplinary teams that provide specialized services to seniors experiencing complex mental health problems, as well as support to their families and/or caregivers. Teams are located Island-wide and could include; psychiatry, nurse practioners,registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and social workers. However, teams may vary across sites. Seniors Mental Health Resource Teams provide office-based services, as well as community outreach to clients living at home and in community care housing. Contact your local Community Mental Health office for more information.
Serene View Ranch aims to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of mental health issues, especially trauma related difficulties. Services include professional assessments such as; phychological assessment for disability management and fit for duty/return to work assessments. They also provide psychotherapy serivices such as equine-assisted psychotherapy and individual, group, family and couple therapy. There are many other therapies and serivices available on-site as well.
Alexandra, PE
C1B 0P2
Sexaholics Anonymous is a group for recovery from porn and sexual addiction based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober.
SHORS provides safe, confidential and supportive services pertaining mainly to reproductive and sexual health care to Islanders of all genders, orientations and ages at various sites across PEI. Services include: Sexual health education and counselling, Sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment, Birth control counselling and prescriptions, Pregnancy counselling, testing and support, and Abortion services (medical abortion and surgical abortion).
C1N 2A9
The Smokers Helpline provides information on services to getting and staying smoke-free.
The PEI Smoking Cessation Program helps PEI residents who wish to stop smoking or using other tobacco products by: covering 100% of the cost of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products (i.e., nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, and inhaler) and specific smoking cessation prescription medications.
St. Eleanors House provides a home-like environment for men in need of extended support after initial addiction treatment.
The Strength Program offers a range of programming (residential and day treatment) and supports for youth and families who are dealing with substance misuse and mental health issues. The program is offered for 16 weeks and is located at the Youth Recovery Centre where there are 12 inpatient beds with 24/7 care.
The Strongest Families Program provides free mental health care for PEI children, youth and their families. Services related to anxiety, behavioural difficulties, nightime bedwetting, and stress management are delivered online and over the phone.
Student well-being teams work in schools advising, consulting and providing direct service to children and youth who are struggling with mental, social and physical health issues.
Talbot House is a residence for men that provides a safe, structured environment and support while working towards maintaining a chemical-free lifestyle.
The Adventure Group provides a wide range of hands-on-learning based programs and services aimed at developing criitcal life skills, helping clients find appropriate employment options, and fostering leadership and team spirit among groups.
WPCC provides food for needy families in the West Prince area of Prince Edward Island. The food is donated or purchased from monetary donations made to the WPCC. Clients can access the WPCC once a month for an approximately 3 day supply of food based on the size of the family in need. Clients will be required to provide information relating to their place of residence and other relevant information for the database.
- located in the Masonic Lodge (119 Poplar St., Alberton PE C0B1B0 – door from Central St. parking lot)
- open on Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon
- contact Lynda Leard (902-853-2416)
- located in St. Anthony’s Church Hall (37947 Veteran’s Memorial Highway, Bloomfield PE COB 1E0)
- open on Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon, & 1st Wed. of the month from 5-7 pm
- contact Rick Cameron (902-214-0302)
- located in the St. Simon and St. Jude Parish Centre (315 School St., Tignish PE C0B 2B0)
- open on Tuesdays from 4 - 5 pm
- contact Linda LeClair (902-882-2559)
- located in the Tyne Valley Presbyterian Sonlight Ctr (853 Canada Rd., Tyne Valley PE C0B 2C0)
- open on Thurs. from 10 am - 12 noon, & 1st Wed. of the month from 5-7 pm
- contact Verna Barlow (902-831-2574) or Doug LeBlanc (902-831-3217)
*Contact names only to be used in emergency situations For general inquiries email <a href = "mailto: wpcaringcupboard@gmail.com">Send Email</a>
When you want to stop using alcohol or drugs, the Withdrawal Management program provides a safe, supportive and medically supervised environment to help you withdraw/detox as either an inpatient or outpatient.
Mount Herbert
C1A 7N8
Youth and Family Addiction Services provides help to young people whose use of alcohol or drugs is causing you or your family concern. Contact a Community Addiction Services office for more information.
C1N 2A9
Youth and Family Addiction Services provides help to young people whose use of alcohol or drugs is causing you or your family concern. Contact a Community Addiction Services office for more information.
C0B 1B0