Go the beach and listen to the waves!

Have a sleep schedule.

Listen to music.

Write down positive affirmations and put them in places where you can often see them. They act as great reminders, especially during difficult moments.

Looking for coping skills for my two teenage kids

Eat a snack!

The fall leaves, the snow falling, smell of spring and laughter of summer are so healing


Try a mindfulness walk

Deep Breathing


Going for a walk

Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing

Hi! I have anxiety caused from a brain injury I suffered 27 years ago. Normal for me is not normal, apparently. I live in constant circles because my memory abilities were damaged. I’m like someone with Alzheimers without the disease.
My tips that work are: Drink
Water (it improves energy); SUNLIGHT and FRESH AIR help relieve some panic attacks; leave BIG notes in BLATANT places for reminders; brush aside the insults of others because they don’t know what I am dealing with inside; put things in perspective – I could have died from my injuries – being poor and ostracized can be overcome; MUSIC/PHOTOS/SCENTS/FOOD aid in memory recall for brief moments.
If you have tips on memory issues, please share!

Practice mindfulness! Ex: Find 5 things you see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.

Practice deep breathing

Do something artistic – music, drawing, sewing, writing, etc.

Go outside to enjoy nature