Behavioural Support Team for Children offers behavioural support to children aged 4-12 who have moderate to severe behavioural difficulties. A team of professionals including a psychologist, social workers, and a youth worker work will children, parents/guardians and other systems including daycares, schools and group homes across PEI.



The Canadian Mental Health Association - PEI Division, provides a wide range of services including peer support programs, suicide prevention initatives, education workshops and housing supports to Islanders across the province.

178 Fitzroy Street
C1A 7L9
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If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.

Montague & Souris

If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.

902-368-4911 or 902-368-4430

If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.


If you are struggling with low mood and depression, the Changeways© Core Program can help you create positive changes in your life. Two main goals of the program are to; provide information and strategies to help with problems related to depression, and help apply these ideas in life, at one's own pace, to help cope with and recover from depression. The program is based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles, which have been shown to work for people who experience depression and other conditions. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.


Coping Power Program For Parents is a 15-Week preventative intervention program delivered to parents of children in late elementary to middle school. The program uses skills-based training to improve self-regulation, social competance and positive parental involvement.


The Coping Power Program for Kids is a 15-week program for children aged 9-12 to provide them with skills for problem solving, setting goals, managing emotions, socializing, as well as organizational and study skills. Kids attend group at the same time the parent/guardian is attending the Coping Power Program for Parents.


The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with problems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.


The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with problems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.

902-368-4911 or 902-368-4430

The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with pronlems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.


The Coping Skills Program teach skills to manage patterns of chronic stress and distress. The goals of the program are to provide participants with practical strategies and tips to help with pronlems, and help to develop a personal tool kit that participants can use in their own lives to manage stress and distress. The program is based on cognitive behavioural and dialectical behaviour therapies. Program trainers include nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and addiction counsellors. Contact your local Community Mental Health Clinic for more information.


Dialectical behavior therapy is designed to treat individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). It is a modified form of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that uses traditional cognitive-behavioral techniques, but also implements other skills like: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. There is an additional fifth set of skills called Walking the Middle Path, which can be used with adolescent clients. Clients will participate in weekly DBT Skills Groups. A skills group facilitator will teach strategies related to mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness (and possibly Walking the Middle Path skills for adolescents) to help clients manage emotions, problem solve and cope with challenges more effectively.


Dinosaur Treatment School Program (Incredible Years) is a 15-week program for children aged 4-8. It is designed to treat challenging, disruptive and aggressive behavior. “Dino School” teaches children positive ways to communicate, solve problems, regulate emotions, build self-esteem and develop social skills. This program is for children with disruptive behaviours as the primary concern. This group is offered at the same time their parent/guardian is in the Incredible Years Parenting Program.


Incredible Years Parenting Program is a 15-week training program for parents that aims to reduce challenging behaviours in children and increase social emotional learning and self-control skills. During the program, parents will learn to promote positive behaviours in their children, manage their child’s disruptive behaviours, strengthen parent-child interactions and attachment and learn coping skills for parents. This group is offered at the same time their child attends the Dinosaur Treatment School Program. Parents will learn what their children are working on, and therefore help them practice at home.


An online PDF containing all information pertaining to self-help and additional community services for pregnant women and new parents. This PDF contains online self-help resources as well as various community resources with their contact information, websites with different tools and videos.

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is a helpful, practical and easy-to-use approach for parents with a focus on positive parenting techniques. The program empowers all parents with skills and knowledge to effectively address day-to-day minor parenting challenges or more serious behavioural issues. Discussion groups cover topics such as dealing with disobedience; manage fighting and aggression; hassle-free shopping and developing good bedtime routines. Triple P programming may be offered individually or in groups.
