Clean and reorganize your bedroom.

Read your favourite book.

Do something unexpected and kind for someone else.

Go for a walk in the rain.

Stand in the rain.

Think positively.


Only schedule what you can handle. Being too busy can cause needless stress.

Watch or play sports.

Lie in bed flat on your back, tense (for a few seconds) and relax every muscle in your body starting with your toes and going all the way up to your eyebrows.

Spend time laughing with friends.

Go camping with your family or friends.

Listen to a song and learn all the words . Pick one that makes you happy and really explains how you feel.

Take a warm bath or shower.

Watch funny videos on YouTube.

Watch a funny movie

Get away from computer and cell phone screens. Go off the grid for a few hours.

Watch your favourite TV show.

This is what I always do: create a Happy Book. Put only happy things in it — quotes, song lyrics, or poems. I came up with this idea while dancing, that helps too! 🙂

Keep all electronics turned off and out of your bedroom while you sleep.