I go to a rely small scol , ( there’s 8 people in my class ) and I don’t have any friends. My best friend since kindergarten is really mean and sassy and my other “friend” talks to me like I now now nothing.

I really like this guy but I’m jelous of my friends because they talk to him all the time and they all have boyfriends so Ik that they won’t take him from me but they still make me jelous

my whole future

I think my bestfriend is depressed. I tried to talk to her about it but she became upset

I’m worried about my favorite teacher getting there job cut.

I’m always sad and it annoys everyone

Im afraid of loosig him… We used to go out last year but then we were on and off. We are really close again now, but one of my really close friends has a huge crush on him and i think i do too. She keeps askig me for his number. I still love him….

I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I can’t get out of bed in the morning. I feel like my depression is taking over my life. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t feel like trying anymore.

I’m so alone

My gender identity is something I’ve thought a lot about. I live in a small town where people wouldn’t really understand. I’ve told my parents and a few close friends but the thought of coming out to everyone scares me and I think about it so much I sometimes wanna crawl under my covers and never leave.

I’m worried people will treat me differently if they find out about my depression

(sorry for my english i live in Europe) So the past 2 weeks or so, i have slowly decided to eat less/almost nothing, the only thing i ate was dinner and a little amount of lunch, and after lunch i tried to throw up several times, no success doe. Everytime i go past a mirror i think i’m ugly or fat. I think about food and how terrible food is all the time….I really don’t know what to do.(male)

I hate how people say being gay is just a phase

When my mom always misunderstands me and she gets angry all the time

Everyone in my class got invited to a birthday party but me and I am worried about being accepted by my classmates I don’t think I am because no one every talks or sits next to me and I am always left out

my class will find out why I was actually in hospital

Work is stressing me out. It’s nice to have extra money but having a job makes me feel really adult, and while that’s good sometimes the idea of growing up scares me.

I worry that I will be alone forever and will never find those close true friends I always wish I had..

I’m just not myself anymore 🙁 I lost interest in everything

Before I go places I’m always anxious that I will get dizzy or overwhelmed while I’m there.