I’m stupid

eventually, I’ll mess up so bad that I won’t be able to fix it anymore.

That my parents will see my cuts..

The only friends I have are the ones that make me feel bad about myself

I can’t take another day of being sad 🙁

I worry about my friends. I am moved reading these worries. I’m glad they have this app to help them.

The baby project for school is just making me panic even more

My parents are more busy with their new partners they don’t give me any attention I’m sinking further away from them everyday It hurts … Thought they loved me more

I’m self harming and its getting worse and worse. I’ve attempted suicide four times and I want to get better but I can’t and nothing helps I don’t know what to do I can’t live this life anymore :/ I wanna kill myself.

Letting my parents down

I’m beginning to think I’m bisexual what should I do Also I only get attracted to people I have a close relationship with That’s demisexual And if I am I don’t think my parents will aprov especially my dad he might get angry at mom because when something goes wrong he blames it on her And I’m scared HELP?!

Everybody says that in the quiet one, I should talk more, I’m the shy one, but they don’t know why. When I try to talk to some of my friends ignore me, when I’m talking someone interrupts me but… I love just hanging out with my 5 best friends! They’re my life! ( besides family and school) when I’m sad they’re there when I’m mad or happy or whateve. how can I get people to not think that I’m not a shy person?

I’m worried that I will never go back to the person I was before. I feel like I’ve been so terrible lately and I just feel like I’m such a disappointment. I miss who I was before, and I hate who I’ve become.

I’m worried I’ll be pressured into something I don’t want to do.

If Only she knew I loved her … But I’m a girl and I can’t tell her :/

I’m worried that I will lose someone soon that I love

I over think.. Everything.. And so with that basically I always cry ,yield to sleep at night.. I’m worried about this..

My boyfriends depression is tearing him apart but every effort I make to try and make him happy just makes him so sad. I feel like I’m completely giving my everything I just want him to feel okay but it seems like it doesn’t matter how hard I try it’s never going to help. I just feel so helpless.

That I will not be able to give my child the life they deserve cause I can’t even take care my own

I missed that much school in over two months either skips off or just ain’t feeling like going because knowing how the people are there making fun over stuff that has happened and coming home everyday almost because anxiety attacks… Stuff is pretty scary for a lot of us