I’m worried that I will never get a boyfriend. I am 19 and have never been in a relationship. I am lonely and depressed.
Worry Jar
I’m worried that our corrupt capitalist system will destroy our free will and our courage to fight against it will be doused by fear of unemployment.
My school has a total of about 80 kids most of their parents are teachers and i grew up hanging out with the older crowd their parents judge me cause I grew up faster then they let their kids.. Shame to see how they ruined that whole generation… Grow up
My “friends”
I just can’t take school or people anymore
My mom told me she would quit smoking. Imm scared she is still smoking behind my back
I’m worried of loosing my world.
I worry if I will ever have any friends, I’m in my forth school in the last year and my anxiety is stopping me from going.
I worry that I might be in love with a 19 year old.. (I’m 14.)
Im so fat and my mom tells me every day how fat i am
My friend s are being jerks there is this game and every one plays it I’m bad and they bass popularity on that can any buddy help?
*I feel like I’m trapped inside a box. A box with no emotion. I feel no emotion and it makes me worry that I’ll just completely zone out and no one will be able to wake me up. I try to beat down the walls of this stupid box but me and my words just sit there inclosed with barley enough oxygen to breath. I feel nothing and then all of a sudden ill just sit there and bawl my eyes out FOR NO APPARENT REASON. People are just like “get over yourself and stop crying” and I feel, and oh hell do I feel like yelling back with all this anger “don’t you think if I could I would?!” They just don’t understand. But then I go back to this no emotion me and try not to think as much yet that pretty much always makes it worse. *
Is anyone else scared of oppening up there blinds because of the fear of a murdrer being there
I’m scared to go to school braeause I’m scared what people are going to think or say about me
If people say what goes through my head on a daily basis they would ask themselves how are you still breathing.
My friends has other friends who she hangs out with and I’m worried they all make fun of me when she hangs out with them
I think I’m gay/lesbian.. and I’m really worried that my family might judge me.. and I’ve really tried to figure this out! and I can’t seem to.. ugh
I don’t know if I want to live with my mom or dad
I’m worried about dying. It scares me to know that one day we’re all going to be gone, and I’m just so scared.
I’m worried that my parents will find out that they are the reason I’m depressed, that I cut; and how truly terrified I am of myself.