Everything. nobody cares about me, they say they do but I don’t believe them. I am invisible. I know I should not think this way but I do at school they teach to never leave people out but I don’t think I have ever not been left out of anything ever. I just want it to stop, I want to have a good life but that does not seem possible right now.
Worry Jar
My friend has anxiety but won’t ask anyone for help. She gets mad really easily and over everything especially if she doesn’t get her own way. She hasn’t talked to me in a week and I have no idea why. Part of me doesn’t care because I’m sick dealing with her and feeling like I don’t matter. Being around her stresses me out and brings my mood down but she is literally the only friend I have I don’t know what to do
I have only one friend, lately we’ve been drifting apart because she is making more friends but I have anxiety and I’m very anti social and I don’t know what to do. I’m scared I’ll be alone again…
I’m afraid I have too much love to give and it scares people. I care too much, about everyone and everything and I guess to some pexpletive that can be scary. I don’t want to be scary.
I’m afraid that because I’m so distant from people I’ll lose all the people I care about.
I feel like I will never be good enough.
I worry that my friend is going try to kill herself again. I just wish she knew how much she is loved.
I worry my prinicpal will tempt me to commit because of my grades.
I’m stupid
eventually, I’ll mess up so bad that I won’t be able to fix it anymore.
That my parents will see my cuts..
The only friends I have are the ones that make me feel bad about myself
I can’t take another day of being sad 🙁
I worry about my friends. I am moved reading these worries. I’m glad they have this app to help them.
The baby project for school is just making me panic even more
My parents are more busy with their new partners they don’t give me any attention I’m sinking further away from them everyday It hurts … Thought they loved me more
I’m self harming and its getting worse and worse. I’ve attempted suicide four times and I want to get better but I can’t and nothing helps I don’t know what to do I can’t live this life anymore :/ I wanna kill myself.
Letting my parents down
I’m beginning to think I’m bisexual what should I do Also I only get attracted to people I have a close relationship with That’s demisexual And if I am I don’t think my parents will aprov especially my dad he might get angry at mom because when something goes wrong he blames it on her And I’m scared HELP?!
Everybody says that in the quiet one, I should talk more, I’m the shy one, but they don’t know why. When I try to talk to some of my friends ignore me, when I’m talking someone interrupts me but… I love just hanging out with my 5 best friends! They’re my life! ( besides family and school) when I’m sad they’re there when I’m mad or happy or whateve. how can I get people to not think that I’m not a shy person?