I’m afraid one day I will finally crack for good
Worry Jar
I feel really anxious right now! I hate going to school so much. I just feel so sad and alone
my mothers boyfriend is coming home tomorrow, i really dont like him my mother is so nice when he is gone and when he is home she ignores me. I just feel like im exploding inside 🙁
I’m having anxiety about not passing my last science test for the year and that I might not pass the year.
I’m pansexual but I feel like if I come out everyone will think i’m faking for attention
I’m so scared for the future. I don’t have any goals, ambitions, or talents to help me get to a good place in life. It makes me feel worthless, especially since everyone I know hoas something going for them.
how do you even come out to your family? my family will be dissapointed.
I’m scared to go to school.
I’ve told my mom before that I feel like I should be a male, and she brushed it off, I hate being a female honestly, I just wish I could talk to people about It.
I’m scare to talk
That I’m not with the right guy, but we have a new baby together. His family gives me so much anxiety and I don’t know how to be myself around them. We’ve been together 4 years (since I was 19)I wish I had thought about all this sooner..
I’m afraid I will grow up not being happy 🙁
That I’m not good enough for anyone, that I can’t do anything right.
Worried I will be seen in public by people I know. I don’t even know why. I’ve already avoided going to a few places because of my anxiety. Anxiety takes over and it’s really not fun 🙁
I can’t go swimming with my friends or family becouse there are to many scars on my legs
I’m worried that me and my boyfriend will split up and I’ll be alone
That people close to me will suddenly be gone
I worry about if I tell my boyfriend I’m depressed, he will leave or tell everyone
I’ve been bullied since I was 4 and I still don’t know how I can deal with it…. Can anyone help me? (Physical, and Verbal Bullying) Please help me, its starting to get even worse.
I worry that i can’t leave my boyfriend because i dont want him feeling like how i do. But, sometimes I want to because he calls me down to the dirt