My pop died today
Worry Jar
Everyone says my boyfriend deserves better than me, I know it isn’t true but everyone saying it is really making it seem true
Im scared of pushing my best friend away. Ive started picking out her flaws. I cant help it. And i dont want to, all she does it complain.
Sometimes I honestly think that if I killed myself, everything would get better. Then I worry about how everyone else would react. Sometimes I think they wouldn’t care and other times I do. It just confuses me and I don’t know how to handle it!
I wish I had friends who actually would care about me and listen instead of egnoaring everything I say and do in my life……..why my life
I’m completely in love with my boyfriend we have been together 3 years now and I’m scared he’s cheating and going to leave me for someone else.. Helpp?
I’m worried that my friends secretly hate me.
I worrie about my marks and not to long ago my mom got mad at me from one of them and I’m still getting the lectures about how I have to do good in school
I want to be straight, not Bi!
I feel every emotion too deeply. I can’t stand the fact that other people are hurting so I try to absorb their hurt and end up feeling bad instead of them. I worry I’m letting myself disappear.
Im worried that since my anxiety hit and i have missed so much school, im not going to pass this year. no matter how hard i try to do my work from home, nothing seems like worth it. Grades continue to drop no matter how hard i work. im afraid of failing this year and having to take the failed courses with the new grade 10’s, and theyll judge me, or think im stupid.
I’m worried that nobody in my school actually likes me and that I’ll never really have that much friends. I only have about 2 friends now but I feel alone because they don’t make me very happy and I always feel so sad in school because I feel like I’ll never really be excepted. I used to have a lot of friends but when I got to high school they all went their own ways and I was just kinda left. I don’t know I’m just afraid I’ll never be accepted and I’ll always be alone.
I keep thinking no one will ever be able to help me get past this crying and hurting myself all the time
I have tried to over dose every night for 11 days. why won’t the stupid pills work?!
I’m worried about my exams for school, I’m in grade 7 and this will be my first time doing them. I’m stressing out
Every time I do a test or even a little quiz I stress out and get the thought that I failed even though I haven’t.My teachers tell me I shouldn’t worry because my marks are so high but the thought haunts me until I get the test back and then I get really upset when I don’t do well…..
Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with me
Me and my boyfriend ALWAYS fight, and while we were fighting I started talking to another guy he likes me but I think of him as a friend and I’m afraid i will start liking him
Whenever a teacher tells me I’m doing something wrong or not the preferred way I cry..