I started flirting with a guy three years older then me who’s in foster care. We both developed feelings, but it stressed me out too much and I lost romantic feelings. His father left when he was younger, and I’m afraid he feels like I abandoned him too. I can’t deal with the guilt of it.
Worry Jar
I’m worried about going back to school. I’m worried that I won’t have friends and I’m worried I’ll be put down by people. I’m stressed about classes I’ve never even started yet and teachers I’m scared I’ll have
My parents hate my boyfriend and don’t want me near him, They want me to stay far away from him as possible.
I’m scared to loose friends
I just got out of the hospital from a suicide attempt and since my life has impossibly gotten worse. I am afraid of losing people, but lately I’ve been losing so much.
Burning my birthday cake
I’m worried that I won’t be good enough for anyone, especially him. I want to feel pretty.
My parents comparing me to friends
I’ll break down and won’t be able to get back on my feet
I messed up with the guy I like and now I think he hates me
I’m terrified I am going to be anxious like this for the rest of my life. I can’t deal with this for the rest of my life, havinf anxiety is so exhausting.
I’m afraid that I will never get better, no matter how hard I try.
Im worried that i may lose my job
I worry that one day, the guy who swore he would hurt me will actually find a way to do it.
I’m in love with someone who has a girlfriend. He gives me butterflies anyway.
That when I turn 19 and I don’t have acess to bridges or the janeway I’m just gonna relapse big time
I worry that my parents are going to move our family to a new town so my dad can get a better job and I won’t be able to make new friends because I already can’t make friends in the town I live now
I’m worried the boy I like will replace me
My boyfriend flirts with other people but Denys that he does when I talk to him about it and I’m scared I’m going to lose him.
I’m so worried that I’ll be alone forever. I’m always everyone’s second choice and it makes me feel pathetic and unworthy of a relationship