I want to talk to someone about what’s wrong but it’s hard because I don’t even understand what is wrong with me.
No one expects a lot from me but I wish they did because it just makes me feel worthless. I wish people would put more effort into being my friend but it feels like no one likes me as much as I like them
Will I feel better?
I’m at a camp and I feel so upset because I can’t talk to anyone because of my social anxiety. I’m sapoused to be helping but I don’t think I can
My parents are the cause of my depression and self harm. I just can’t handle it anymore. They know that I have depression and anxiety and that a lot of it stems from home but they don’t do anything different. They seem to think I’ve gotten better. They think I’ve stopped cutting. I’ve just gotten better at hiding it.
My friend has anxiety but won’t ask anyone for help. She gets mad really easily and over everything especially if she doesn’t get her own way. She hasn’t talked to me in a week and I have no idea why. Part of me doesn’t care because I’m sick dealing with her and feeling like I don’t matter. Being around her stresses me out and brings my mood down but she is literally the only friend I have I don’t know what to do
My parents are making me move across the country but me and my boyfriend are going to try to stay together I’m sure he’s the one but this is going to have me worried sick..
About going to a new school
There’s this girl in my school and she tells everyone that she has depression and takes antidepressants every day. I overheard her in the bathroom telling one of her friends it was all a big lie. It makes me so mad that there are people like me who actually struggle with depression and self harm and she goes and lies for attention.
I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I can’t get out of bed in the morning. I feel like my depression is taking over my life. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t feel like trying anymore.
I always feel like a burden on my family and friends. I look at myself as being the worst and most boring friend in a friend group and I always feel like a burden on my family, whether it be asking my parents to simply drive me somewhere (like once a month) or to drive me somewhere I absolutely must be, like a job interview. I feel guilty for asking my parents to do anything for me and I only ask them for something if I can’t get there myself, can’t afford it, etc. I wish they never had me
Me and my girlfriend of around 2 years recently broke up, I know that I messed up and that it’s really my fault. I still love her and every day is getting harder and harder. I’m so lost and I don’t know what to do with myself anymore.
I liked a guy. He liked me. I lost feelings. I told him. He won’t stop texting me now, and he was in with a group of friends that helped further my depression, who I’ve ended things with. I don’t want to talk to him anymore. I want to be left alone from him. It makes me want to cry just thinking about him, and I want him to just screw off!
It terrifies me how quickly I can get sick of someone. I can all of a sudden just stop having feelings about someone. I’m constantly hurting people because of it and I don’t want to do it again.
I started flirting with a guy three years older then me who’s in foster care. We both developed feelings, but it stressed me out too much and I lost romantic feelings. His father left when he was younger, and I’m afraid he feels like I abandoned him too. I can’t deal with the guilt of it.
I started flirting with a guy three years older then me who’s in foster care. We both developed feelings, but it stressed me out too much and I lost romantic feelings. His father left when he was younger, and I’m afraid he feels like I abandoned him too. I can’t deal with the guilt of it.
I trust no one. There is literally so much pressure on my heart
I have anxiety almost everyday I feel an anxious butterfly feeling in my stomach and I sometimes worry that it won’t go away it’s a terrible feeling and so very uncomfortable.
As bad as it sounds I wish my parents would just hurry up and get divorced. I know it’s gonna happen sooner or later. Just make it sooner and get it overwith. It’d be best for the family
I’m pansexual but I feel like if I come out everyone will think i’m faking for attention