I’m afraid I have too much love to give and it scares people. I care too much, about everyone and everything and I guess to some pexpletive that can be scary. I don’t want to be scary.

I’m afraid I’ll never be able to tell anyone how I really feel unless it’s in some late night message on facebook.

I used to think I knew a lot. I do know a lot, I guess. In the sense of like reading books and doing math, im okay at it. When I think about life though, when I think about my life and just the general way the world is today I feel like an idiot and I feel pretty scared.

My friend, my best friend, is most likely moving away next year. I love her so much, and she’s helped me through a lot. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without her. She’s the only one who I can be myself around, she’s one of the only people that make me actually happy. I had a vivid dream of her falling through a crack and I couldn’t save her and I don’t know if that’s my subconscious being afraid of her moving or my subconscious fixating on the fact that I don’t know what her new environment will be like so what if she can’t handle it? I dont know anymore.

My gender identity is something I’ve thought a lot about. I live in a small town where people wouldn’t really understand. I’ve told my parents and a few close friends but the thought of coming out to everyone scares me and I think about it so much I sometimes wanna crawl under my covers and never leave.

This one girl in my class that won’t leave me alone. She’s not mean or anything, just really annoying and clingy and she just makes me kind of mad. I’m afraid one day I’ll just snap and yell at her. I don’t want to be mean but I don’t know how to tell her to please leave me alone. I don’t know if I can take her anymore!

I find it really hard to sleep at night, no matter what. When I’m not distracited by friends or technology or homework I can’t stop over thinking and I get these intrusive thoughts that I know aren’t real but I still believe them.

I don’t know if listening to music like Twenty One Pilots is helping me or hurting me. I love it, I connect with it so much, but it also sometimes makes me really sad. I don’t want to stop listening to their music though.

My dad yells a lot. But then he’s all nice and cuddly and says he loves me. He seems to always blame stuff on me, even though I do the most in the house. I love him, bUT something feels wrong. He yells athe me, my mom, and my brother and I can never seem to stop crying. But then he says sorry and hugs us and I say I forgive him and a part of me that I hate does. I don’t know what this is.

I keep having days where everything feels wrong. I haven’t been to school the last 3 days cause I told my mom I’m sick but I’m just sad. I don’t know what it means, it just keeps happening. I don’t know how to talk about it. I don’t know what it is.

My parents hate my boyfriend and don’t want me near him, They want me to stay far away from him as possible.

People don’t understand that I have diagnosed anxiety and they still put pressure on me to do things I don’t feel comfortable doing. They say “well you have to do it sometime” or “put on your big girl shoes” , it’s like no one understands. I really want people to stop pressuring me

i just dont know what to do…… im the only asexual

my OCD and hypocondria has taken over :/ i cant enjoy the things i like to do anymore or have no interest in anything

how do you even come out to your family? my family will be dissapointed.

I just found out i was asexual, my chances of getting a relationship are very little 🙁

Thinking about school and the fact that I might get called in front of everyone stresses me out to the point where I don’t even go.

All I can think about is the past and the abuse. I can’t seem to get passed it. I’m worried I’ll never recover from this..

Are my good thoughts blurring with the bad ones to the point where I can’t even differentiate them anymore? Are the thoughts that I once thought to be good actually horribly self-destructive and I’ve been hurting myself this whole time? I don’t know. I honest to god don’t know anymore.

I feel like ill never get friends everyday i feel left out To things in school