The Salvation Army Food Bank assists men, women and children in accessing food through their donated pantry.
C1N 5Y2
299 Pope Road
C1N 3N6
The Salvation Army Soup Kitchen provides free lunches to those in need Monday to Friday.
C1N 5Y2
The Souris Food Bank serves the Northern Kings area of Prince Edward Island by providing donated food items to those in need of assistance.
C0A 2B0
The Montague Food Bank serves the Southern Kings and Queens area of Prince Edward Island by providing donated food items to those in need of assistance.
C0A 1R0
The Food Bank gives out food hampers three times a week to those who need a little extra to get through the month. Food hampers consist of a variety of canned/boxed goods as well as vegetables, meat and fresh fruit when available.
C1A 5G9
The Soup Kitchen provides healthy meals (lunch and supper) to those in need.
C1A 1H7
WPCC provides food for needy families in the West Prince area of Prince Edward Island. The food is donated or purchased from monetary donations made to the WPCC. Clients can access the WPCC once a month for an approximately 3 day supply of food based on the size of the family in need. Clients will be required to provide information relating to their place of residence and other relevant information for the database.
- located in the Masonic Lodge (119 Poplar St., Alberton PE C0B1B0 – door from Central St. parking lot)
- open on Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon
- located in St. Anthony’s Church Hall (37947 Veteran’s Memorial Highway, Bloomfield PE COB 1E0)
- open on Thursdays from 10 am - 12 noon, & 1st Wed. of the month from 5-7 pm
- located in the St. Simon and St. Jude Parish Centre (315 School St., Tignish PE C0B 2B0)
- open on Tuesdays from 4 - 5 pm
- located in the Tyne Valley Presbyterian Sonlight Ctr (853 Canada Rd., Tyne Valley PE C0B 2C0)
- open on Thurs. from 10 am - 12 noon
To contact any of these locations, please phone/text 902-960-2607; email or message on Facebook (West Prince Caring Cupboard)